So much blood, sweat, and tears has been put into this mare. And she has taught me more than I ever thought I’d know. Video on the left is from February, when any slight touch would set her off. She was dangerous. She was a monster. I come to find out that her teeth needed to be done very badly, she needed regular massages and visits from the chiropractor, she needed fancy shoes put on, and she was suffering from neurological lymes disease which had to be treated. All of that eased her out of physical discomfort. On top of that Randa Schnarr (whom I am forever indebted to, and cannot stress to you all how much of a miracle worker she is) stepped up to help me with groundwork, which were long (but fascinating) lessons for five months. When you buy a horse, usually they are bought to be ridden, not to work with on the ground, but for those of you who do not do groundwork with your horse; I urge you to please step up and try to learn a little bit about it because it makes a world of a difference. It took my horse from being uncontrollable, pushy, rude and dangerous to a horse that I can now ground tie while I tack her up. The picture on the right is from today after I rode her for the first time in 199 days, and she was perfect in every imaginable way and I am so excited to document us on our way to success. Thank you to all of my ladies who have helped me along the way! We still have work to be put in but I am feeling wildly optimistic about the outcome.